August 25th – President’s Day!

This Sunday over Spring Farm Park is President's Day, where our distinguished President and Chairman pick an eleven and battle it out. The series currently stands at 4-4 so it's all to play for!

But that's not all! The Under-11s and Under-13s will square off at 9.30am, and after the President's XI vs. the Chairman's XI is the Under-15s vs. Dads XI. Word around the club is that the Dads are taking this one pretty seriously, with many dusting off their old gear and getting some net sessions in over the past few weeks.

There will be a BBQ running at lunchtime and in the evening with a cold buffet all day. Magician Aaron Phillips will be wowing the crowds with his close-up magic throughout the day, and there will be a DJ in the evening.

Come over and enjoy a day of fun!

A Few Website Additions

There have been a few pages added to the website of late:

Documents: here you can find our constitution and selection policy, amongst other things.
Records: records from the modern era of RCC.
Ties: the people who have earned prestigious RCC Club Ties.

Additionally, Player Profiles and Match Pages have both been revamped, including a new feature, Milestones.

Stay tuned for more updates, including a facelift for the front page!

20th July – Magic Night!

Due to a week-long Patel wedding, the Bollywood night has bee pushed back to August. But don’t worry! The 20th July will now be our first ever Magic Night!
household magician
There will be a magic show for everybody, then some David Blaine-style street magic to amaze and confuse you.
On top of this there is the usual great atmosphere and rock-bottom bar prices so be sure to get yourself over there! Entry is รบ5 which can be paid on the night.

Newsletter Archive Now Available

Fans of Pete’s brilliant monthly Newsletter are in luck – the back catalogue is being uploaded to the website. The majority of the past few years can be found here, and more will be added in due course.
If you’re new to the club’s Newsletter, you should really give the recent ones a read – they’re the best way to keep up-to-date with club affairs. If you’re a seasoned veteran of Pete’s pleasant prose, then why not take a trip down memory lane?