Bar Opening Signing On Night and Nat West Cricketforce Weekend

Don’t forget tonight the signing on night down the club tonight from 7pm.

Pay your annual subs of £80 for seniors and £50 for youths and concessions and you’ll receive a discount on your club kit order.

Also over the weekend of Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th March is our Nat West Cricketforce weekend, so please try to spare a couple of hours to help get the clubhouse and our facilities ready for the new season.  Starts from 10am both days and any help will be gratefully received.

If anyone has a leaf blower or a jet wash and wouldn’t mind using them down the club over this weekend, please bring them along.

Food and drink will be available for all volunteers.

A full list of jobs required to be completed is attached.

See you all tonight and at the weekend.

Nat West Cricketforce day suggested works 25-26 March 2017




Dal Lehal Coach Support Workers Course

Good luck to Dal Leahl, who has finally caved in to my constant badgering, and will be attending a coach support workers course on Saturday 11th March.

Dal will be a welcome addition to our coaching team to assist the youngsers with their cricketing development.

Dal Dec 16

24th, 25th and 26th March – Signing on Social Night and Nat West Cricketforce Weekend

All – dates for your diary.

First of all Friday 24th March from 7pm will be the club signing on night to pay annul subs of £80 for seniors and £50 for juniors and concessions.  If this is paid on the night or prior to the night then this will entitle you to discount on your club kit order.

The bar will also be open as this will double up as a pre-season social night.

Next dates are the weekend of Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th March. Come along and spare some time to get the club ship shape prior to the season commencing by helping with general tidying up, painting, pitch maintenance etc. Anyone that has a leaf blower or a jet washer that they could bring along, as it would be most appreciated, as well as everyones time.

See you all on 24th, 25th and 26th March.