Rainham CC – Annual General Meeting – Friday 28th October 2016

This year’s AGM will be held on Friday 28th October at the clubhouse from 7.30pm.

 As always this is the date where we elect all officers for the 2017 season. We also vote on any proposed changes to the club’s Constitution. Details of proposed changes will be sent out in due course. Every member is free to propose constitution changes.

If you wish to nominate somebody to stand for any role then please let me know at least 10 days before the day of the AGM – i.e. next Tuesday 18th October. Alternatively, if you wish to stand for any role, please let me know by the same date as there will usually be somebody willing to propose you.

 The roles that we will vote on are (with incumbents):

Management Committee

Chairman             Nick Thwaites

Treasurer             Graham Burr

Secretary             Jon O’Neill

Director of Cricket           Pete Reynolds

Non-Cricket Director       Keith Light

Club Officers

Club Welfare Officer       Sharon Adkins

Club Development Manager        (unoccupied)

Sub-Committee Leaders

Fixtures Committee Leader          (unoccupied)

Social Committee Leader              Biren Patel

Bar Committee Leader   Mickey Clifford

Grounds/Pitch Manager Alex Sullivan

Media/Website Manager             Jas Hothi


1st XI & Club       Jas Hothi

2nd XI   Harry Light

3rd XI    Nick Thwaites

Sat 4th/Sun 2nd XI          Warren Courtney

Sun 1st XI            Nikhil Patel

All job descriptions can be found on the club website under About Us –> Documents.

Please note that you will not be able to stand on the night of the AGM if somebody else is nominated for the role beforehand. I will send out the formal agenda nearer the time.

Hope to see you there!

Jon O’Neill

Rainham CC – Secretary

Dinner and Dance – Berwick Manor – 12th November 2016

The annual club dinner and dance will again take place at Berwick Manor. The cost will be £40 for a 3 course meal and after dinner entertainment. There will be at least 3 choices for each course, as per link Dinner & Dance RCC Menu 2016. There is a non-dining option for £10.

Please contact Biren Patel on 07947-755973 if you wish to go. There are approx. 60 dining places available so please be quick to contact Biren. All money should ideally be fully paid by mid October.

The format will be something like as follows: Sit down at 7pm, Presentations 8pm, DJ from 8.30pm, ends at midnight

Dinner and dance Poster 12.11.16


Club End of Season Tidy Day – Saturday 1st October

Our end of season tidy up day will take place on Saturday 1st October from 9am.

Tasks that will be required are a general tidy up of the club house, tidy up the outdoor nets, remove slats from sight screens, a clear out of the loft, tidy of equipment room, put together 2 x hose trollies and one or two other tasks.

Let’s make sure we get a good turn out so we can leave things as they should be ready for another successful season.

Youth Section Presentation Night – Saturday 10th September

The annual youth section presentation night will take place on Saturday 10th September from 7.30pm down the clubhouse in Springy.

The last couple have been good nights so let’s make sure we have a good time.

We’ll have the normal presentations from each age group, which this year also includes under 12s, as well as the most improved player awards, the mini matchplay presentation and the champagne moment.

If anyone has any champagne moments from the youth section they would like to nominate, either on the pitch or off the pitch, then please contact Peter Reynolds on 07711144497 or peter.j.reynolds@royalmail.com

Under 11s Mini Matchplay Festival Thursday 25th August

Come and support our under 11s on Thursday at the Essex CCC county Ground in Chelmsford as they play under floodlights in this year’s mini matchplay festival.

Matches commence at 6pm v Stansted, 7pm v Witham and 8pm v Bentley.

Jay and Warren have done a great job this year, so lets get behind them and the lads on the 25th.

Added bonus of Joe Attfield disguised as an Essex CCC ground staff member on the evening. It’s got to be worth it for that alone!

Presidents Day – Sunday 28th August

Our excellent club social Presidents day will take place on Sunday 28th August, with a Brexit or stay being the theme of the main match, so look out for a few surprises!

The day will start ay 9.30am with a terrier format mix of under 11s and 13s, 20 overs per side

The Presidents v Chairman’s t20 match will commence at approx. 1pm (currently 6-5 in the series to the President’s XI?) and the day will be rounded off with a mix of our under 15s and 16s taking on a parents XI in t20 match, at approx. 4.30pm, again to be captained by Jay Downton. This series is even closer at 2-2, so all to play for in this one.  Will Jay end his losing streak?  Will Brearley draw level with Bumper?

Other things to look forward to are a BBQ, Bouncy Castles (thanks to Paul Newman), an ice cream van (again thanks to Paul) and finally to round the day off in style a DJ from approx. 8pm. As usual the bar will be open from approx. midday.

If anyone wishes to take part in any of these matches or be able to help with scoring, umpiring or a stint on the BBQ then please contact Peter Reynolds on 07711-144497 or Biren Patel on 07947-755973.

70s Disco Night – Saturday 13th August 2016

The next date for the Rainham CC social night is Saturday 13th August from 8pm down the club with the theme being 70s Disco night. All music will be from the 1970s and dress code will also be 1970s. 

If there are any particular artists or songs from the 70s you would like to hear on the night (must be from the 1970s), then please request by Saturday 6th August to biren_patel1993@hotmail.co.uk or text him on 07947-755973.  

I have my 70s gear ready to go so let’s see if anyone can top what I’ll be wearing. Get into the spirit of the occasion and it will make your night more enjoyable. 



Race Night – Saturday 16th July 2016

The next social event is the  race night on Saturday 16th July down the club from 8pm.

You can own a horse for £1 and the winning owner will receive a drinks voucher to the value of £5. If you wish to own a horse please contact Peter Reynolds

There will also be betting on the night with the first 6 races being £1 per ticket bet, except the last race where it will be £2 per ticket bet. This will be a tote style method of betting, so winnings will depend on how many or few have backed the winning horse.

The live race will also be a feature, so I am sure Charlie Puncher and Nakul Patel will be declaring themselves as runner and rider again to defend their crown from last year. If anyone wishes to declare themselves as a runner and a jockey for the live race then please let either Biren or myself know. We will require 8 runners in total. The criteria will be more strict this year in each rider/jockey must wear a helmet and carry a single stump.

The final race of the night will also attract a potential £100 prize, as there will be a tri-cast board, currently behind the bar, which is £1 per square. Tri cast  squares are already shifting so please see Warren, Keith or Biren and if your square has the top 3 finishers in the correct order on the last race, then the winnings will be yours. Just put your £1 in the pot and write your name on the tri-cast board.

Please bring along family and friends as this was a very entertaining night last year.
