Rainham CC – All Stars Cricket Programme

Rainham CC will be launching their All Stars Cricket programme on Monday 22nd May and will continue for 8 weeks. The programme is aimed at boys and girls of 5 to 8 years of age.

If you have any friends or relatives that may be interested then please bring them over to Spring Farm Park from 6.30pm.

Before doing so, you will have to register via the official ECB webs
ite link below. The programme costs £40 of which £5 will go towards the club.


Also attached is a poster to hand out to family, friends, clubs, societies, schools etc. Please spread the word.


All_Stars_Cricket_Poster Rainham CC 22 May 2017

Essex Sunday League Promotion Play-Off Final

After a great win last week Sunday against Hadleigh & Thundersley, Rainham are into the final to face STMCC for promotion to the Premier Division of the Essex Sunday League!

The game is at 12pm this coming Sunday at Billericay CC. We are taking plenty of support along so come and join in as Nikhil’s boys go for the promotion!!

Peri chicken for the finalists